One Day at a Time
Mixed Media on Fridge
43.5cm (W) x 48.8cm (H) x 47cm (D)

「如果心無所恃就隨遇而安 如果無能為力就順其自然」

As the heart is not dependable, you shall reconcile yourself to the situation. As you can’t do anything about it, just let it be.

I Love and Approve of Myself
Marker on Piano
142.5cm (W) x 103cm (H) x 57cm (D)

You need not live for the approval of others

You cannot transform that which you do not accept. You've been criticising upirself for years now and that hasn't worked. Try coaching yourself and see what happens.

Creating art documents the moments I am most in love with myself, not just the moments I think people will love the most.

Chairman of Your Own Beach, Bitch
Mixed Media on Chair
84cm (H) x 47cm (W) x 48cm (D)

There could be a 100 chairs in a room and 99 of them don’t believe in you but all it takes is one. Be your authentic self, you have your one-and-only reliable chair in your house backing you up.

Bad Dicks
Acrylic on Banana

You may have insecurities in searching love, but only the ocean with its dancing waves into uncertainties. So if you like to dance, be prepared to know you might drown with no air left to breathe, and you will surely be struggling your way into heaven.

The secret of love is, it all happens without our intervention. The land that is nowhere is our true home. We are stations, trains driving through in all directions, and we cannot count the 

passengers (angels/ devils, whatever you call them) passing through us every minute. Not our skin that limits us. We are limited by what we love. We reach as far as we love.

Love is frightening, but it's where we belong, to the unknown.

The Thinker
Marker on Rubber
2.5cm (W) x 6.5cm (H)

Whatever your mind can conceive and believe, it 

can achieve. - Napoleon Hill

The only approval you need to execute it is yours. 

The idea chose you. I created after seeing “The Thinker” bronze sculpture at Rodin Museum in Paris. 

The main thing is to be moved, to love, to hope, to tremble, to live. - Auguste Rodin

The pose is one of deep thought and contemplation, which is powerfully moved when viewing it in person.

Better to be Understood by One than to be Loved by a Millians II
Acrylic On Glass Bottle
25.5 cm (H) x 8.8cm (Diameter)

Self-portrait is shown in the glass bottle. The purest kind of love will always lead me back to 

myself. May you surround yourself with people that lead you back to you and not unfamiliar 

destinations ot territory. You deserve love that wants to see you as you are, from where you are, 

and where you're intending on going.

Better to be Understood by One than to be Loved by a Millians III
Acrylic On Glass
27cm (H) x 28cm (Depth) x 9cm (Diameter)

May you carry an umbrella on rainy days. May you have someone to accompany you when you cry. May you be loved by the person you like just before the sunset disappears.

Better to be Understood by One than to be Loved by a Millions I
Acrylic On Glass Bottle
25.5cm (H) x 8.8cm (Diameter)

We are rarely the only ones in our favourite memories. May we mentally and physically 

enjoy all the free and wild experiences possible in our lives.

Looking Forward Not Back
Mixed Media On Canvas
50cm (W) x 70cm (H)

I forgive everyone in my past for all perceived wrongs. I release them with love. I release them with love.

Perfection is a Scam
Marker on Washing Machine
59.8cm (W) x 52.2cm (D) x 85cm (H)
Mixed Media on Canvas
30cm (W) x 40cm (H)

Confidence in yourself has nothing to do with what you achieve. The only way to be confident is to become comfortable with what you lack.