Good and evil, life and death, selfishness and selflessness, black and white, are they two conflicting concepts or by nature necessary components of a single entity?
They’re not separate, but parts of a unified & coexist reality.
Art should envelop all of human virtues and vices, beauty and ugliness, strength and weakness. When one fails to express the fullness of its own nature, what is truly inside cannot be fully shined.
I am obsessed with the magic of words, such as lyrics which take the slowly abandoned Cantonese and put thoughts into it, making feelings meaningful. Level of influence relies on the singer's ability to enhance it. I hope that Cantonese songs and my drawings become a culture, transforming the familiar smell that I love into an interesting “existence”.
It's true that the world is too fucked up, but as the creator of Japanese animated series Anpanman Takashi Yanase says, it's a shame to rush into despair too quickly.
The look is captured when Arthur was waiting for me to play with him and his dog foofy. This four-year-old boy Arthur is obsessed with sharks. So I draw a whale shark in front of his heart. Whale shark is considered as the most docile and gentlest species of fish in the world.
Spiral snails, crawling somewhereI addressed them, touched them gently with my hands,
they hid their heads in their bodies.
Sometimes they crack under the feet.
I wish I could build a stairway to a universe they belong to.
But the stairs fell today, they were left with it.. measuring the earth in steps, slowly and gently.
Is the world moving fast for you as well?
“What truly hurts us is not the physical injury but the heartache. I'm sorry to disappoint you, you're welcome.” - lyrics in Course of Treatment by Gordon
Soundtrack Recommendations: Course of Treatment by GorDon; Check The Rhime by A Tribe Called Quest; Kikaichikake No Ucyuu by Ichiko Aoba
The world is a subjective creation, reflection of our own.
Notice any patterns in thoughts? Make a choice. Each act of self care is a powerful declaration. Critical mind gets weaker as one’s authentic self gets stronger.
I once heard one little black girl who has a classmate that didn’t like her hair, judging it as “crazy”. She secured her heart by responding to him, “But I like it. My mammy made it, if you don’t like it, I’ll keep it for myself.” Love is where you find from within you, not from outside validation.
A poem by Maya Angelou inspires and reminds me not to second myself.
Below are the poem content, namely “Phenomenal Woman” from And Still I Rise:
Pretty women wonder where my secret lies.
I’m not cute or built to suit a fashion model’s size
But when I start to tell them,
They think I’m telling lies.
I say,
It’s in the reach of my arms,
The span of my hips,
The stride of my step,
The curl of my lips.
I’m a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That’s me.
The new rubbish bin design looks like conical shape of surveillance camera. It surely wins the weirdest costume contest at Hong Kong streets. The artwork is to mark governmental strategy in encouraging waste reduction by changing rubbish bin shape design. Cleaners welcomed
the fact that they no longer need to lift off the top of the bin to empty it. However, the opening of the new bins is much smaller, causing concern whether they can help with environmental protection effectiveness at all.
Graffiti of my style is drawn on top of the rubbish bin surface. Work is created digitally to rethink whether graffiti art vandalize someone else’ property as oposed by the government.
Interesting things come to light if examined from a female viewpoint
Hayao Miyazaki's movies is tremendously influential to how I see things in life. His handling of the relations between the sexes is
noteworthy because he is 100 percent love at first sight. And in all of his movies there is immediately some kind of physical contact. When Howl first appears in Howl's Moving Castle, he immediately puts his arm around Sophie's shoulders; Haku wraps his arms around Chihiro and comforts her in Spirited Away. In Castle in the Sky, when Sheeta falls from the sky, Pazu is there to catch her, and the two sit in a small airship, shoulder to shoulder. After all, in Miya-san's heart of hearts was the belief that only women could be relied on in the end.
My work is not the result of some kind of recipe but an explanation about my identity as a woman in my world.
For the women who have been told to lower their standards, I hope
you never do. Instead of lowering your expectations so you wouldn’t get hurt may you raise them to what you have always deserved.
To remember a woman’s lovely grandma who passed away after falling down.
I’m not a believer in Buddha but I always find strength in some thoughts, so I wrote “Many good causes, many good connections, peace and freedom, suffering from greed, wishing everyone in the world peace of mind, body and soul, no obstacles” in memory of this old lady.
Safe people shelter others, free spirits free others while hurt people hurt others. Shine the light of love on all who may cross your path in life. Because what you do gratefully and react matters most.
(君の笑い方はなぜか淋しさに似てた君の歌い方は今日の朝焼けに見えた何千年後の人類が何をしているかより まだ誰も知らない顔で笑う君を見たい)
- From Kanata Haluka (カナタハルカ) by Radwimps
The way you laughed somehow
resembled loneliness. The way you sang looked like today’s sunrise. Rather than what humans will be doing thousands of years from now. I’d love to see you laugh with a face that nobody knows yet
May there be a deserted path full of wildflowers to walk along at the corner of every city. I can live in the countryside at one time and in the city at another. Instead of travelling, I likes to go about my daily activities while travelling. So during the two weeks she spent in Van Gogh's village, I thought about cycling, walking, stretching, yoga and other exercises. I waited until 11pm before it got dark to see the luminous blue-green stones that Daan Roosegaarde had created to cover the entire cycling path, in homage to Van Gogh’s Starry Night. It's
beautiful. I drew it as a background.Although sometimes I don't know what I can paint and what I can do for the environment around me, I want to remind myself to find joy in the places where I live. The moment is now. May you find happiness for yourself every single day all the lovers.
Here’s to introduce cofounder of Asian No.1 Bar Jay Khan, featuring 5 signature cocktails at COA with my own ethos and thoughts - turning our Hong Kong drinking and abundant exquisite food culture into a drawing artwork. May energy beget more energy. Have you found love in every aspect of your life yet? May it swells within your rib cage whenever you drink your favorite
cocktail or discover something that moves you. May you fall in love with beauty & messiness of making mistakes. When you push beyond your limits, I wish you to be willing to notice that love is still around you. Getting through each day is the best thing I can do against the world. I can’t be perfect, but I can do my best.